St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Ministries

A Lighthouse of Faith, Hope, and God’s Love through Worship, Prayer, Christian Education, Stewardship, Fellowship, Evangelism and Outreach”

Our mission at St. Peter’s is accomplished through the work of the various Ministries outlined on this page. Please click on each bar to expand and read about each St. Peter’s Ministry.

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Ministries

Acolytes & Chalice Assistants: Mr. Huxley Smith, Coordinator

Acolytes assists the Priest at the altar ensuring that liturgies are conducted in a manner of holiness and reverence. Their roles include thurifer, crucifer, torch bearers and master of ceremonies.

Chalice Assistants assist the clergy with the administration of Holy Communion and occasionally at the request of the clergy take the Holy Sacrament to the sick and home bound.

Our members consist of thirteen parishioners. At our 8:00AM Low Mass, two members perform duties as acolytes and chalice assistants. At our 10:00AM High Mass Services we have six Acolytes and three adults who perform duties as Acolytes and Chalice Assistants. We thank them all for their dedicated service.

Acolytes and Chalice Assistants for 8:00AM Mass are Mr. George Ault & Mrs. Brenda Innis.

Acolytes & Chalice Assistants for 10:00AM Mass are Dr. H Wayne Campbell, Mr. Neville Maynard and Mrs. Norma Rudder.

Acolytes are Mrs. Judith Alloko, Ms. Barbara McDowall, Mr. Justin Lowe, Mr. Rashawn Ifill, Mr. Theodore Robinson, Mr. Christopher Brown and Mr. Antonio Rodriquez.

New Members are welcomed. Any parishioner wishing to join the Acolyte Guild, please contact Father Foster.

May God bless you all.

Altar Guild: Ms. Patti Rookwood, Director

Mission Statement

As custodians of the Altar, our mission is to handle holy things in the preparation of the Altar so that it is suitable for the offering of Christ’s Body and Blood.

Led by Patti Rookwood, the Altar Guild is charged with the beauty of worship. We take care of sacred vessels of silver and brass, altar linens, vestments, candles, wine, wafers, and flowers. We launder, clean, iron, polish, dust, hang and decorate.

Altar Guild members are faithful, prayerful, careful, diligent, patient, particular and thorough.

Our ministry meets by team on Saturday mornings. All members meet to prepare for the major feasts of the church.

Bible Study & Book Club: Fr. Foster

Our mission is “To connect to Christ through reading and discussion of God’s Word, advancing our spiritual growth.” Led with great vigor and vibrancy by our Rector, Father Steve Foster, the Bible Study provides spiritual enrichment and growth. This ministry offers an in-depth study of the Bible and religious publications, followed by an open discussion by all participants. Currently, the ministry is studying the Gospel of St. Mark, a precise narrative of the life and work of Jesus.

The Bible Study Ministry has enjoyed a steady increase in membership during the past two years, and new members are always welcome. We meet from September to June following The Eucharist on Wednesday mornings and evenings.

Bible Study:
Wednesdays after 10:00am Mass
Wednesdays after 7:30pm Mass

Choir Director/Organist: Mr. Eiichi Shamada

The St. Peter’s Senior Choir under the direction of Mr. Eiichi Shamada provides melodious music, aiding in our praise and prayers being lifted up to Almighty God. The choir meets for rehearsals Thursday evenings at 7:00PM and Sunday mornings at 9:30AM. New members are welcome.

Church School: Ms. Hettie Powell, Superintendent

Mission Statement

To provide a solid foundation in Christian education that will challenge our children to grow as believers of Jesus Christ, observing all things that God has commanded and knowing that he is always with us.

Our activities include the annual Christmas and Easter pageants which help the children to understand the true meaning of these seasons by bringing them to life through drama and singing. The children are also involved in Martin Luther King and Black History Month presentations. All children Pre-K through 12th grade are welcomed.

Meets on Zoom every Sunday at 10:00AM, except for the months of July and August.

Daughters of St. Peter: Mrs. Lorna Evans, President

Mission Statement

Sisters in Christ through prayer and supplication, supporting at all times, our parish family.

The Daughters of St. Peter consists of vibrant blend of women of all ages, coming together as a welcoming, healing and peacemaking part of the church. We endeavor to empower women, standing together as one, to do Christ’s work in our parish and community.

Mission: To care for and help those in need, to spread Christ’s love, to give unreservedly of our time, talents and treasure. To encourage and pray for each other.

Activities: Defensive Driving Course, Women’s History Month presentation, Tea/Garden party, Father ‘s Day event, Spiritual Retreats/Prayer breakfasts, Diaper bag donation, Adopt-a-Family Christmas gift, trips to Sight and Sound, providing

Christmas gifts to the sick and shut-in.

Officers 2021: President, Mrs Lorna Evans, Vice-President, Mrs. Phyllis Nicholas, Secretary, Mrs. Marcelle Pennycooke, Treasurer: Mrs. Yvonne Robinson

Meeting Time: The Daughters meet every second Sunday after the 10:00am service. Presently we are meeting on Zoom once a month in the evening.

St. Martin De Porres: Monica Carrington, Chairperson; Mr. Andrew Trotman, Co-Chairperson

As the Episcopal Ministries of Long Island, we at St. Peter?s collect non-perishable items through the year to give to churches in Queens. Two of our biggest contributions are during November and December. In November we collect several baskets of thanksgiving food for families less fortunate, and in December we collect coats and slightly used clothing for the United Farm Workers of Long Island. Thanks to our dedicated church family, our contributions continue to grow through the years.

Fellowship Committee: Mrs. Cynthia Craig, Chairperson

Our Mission is “Building the Kingdom of God to all believers.” The fellowship committee provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere to visitors and parishioners after the 10AM Mass on Sundays. The fellowship hour not only allows the Minister to meet and greet with the members of the congregation but also the congregants do the same. The following are some of the occasion fellowship is provided to carry out its mission: Pot Luck Suppers; Shrove Tuesday; Easter Vigil; St. Peter’s day; Annual Homecoming and Harvest Supper.

Legal Eagles: Ms. Jenny Weekes, Mrs. M. Probherbs-Thompson, Co. Chairpersons

The Legal Eagles’ Committee: A group of Lawyers, paralegals and paraprofessionals with legal training and experience coming together to provide legal education and information regarding access to justice, life skills and preparedness.  Our forums and events include financial awareness, domestic violence education and awareness, health, education and historic programs, presentation on foreclosure, will, trust and estate planning and guardianship, workshops on power of attorney, health care proxy and free tax preparation.  Our aim is to provide general information to help persons know and understand their rights.  These forums and events are open to St. Peter’s parishioners and Rosedale community at large.   We also partner with other churches and organization.

Our motto is:

“Spill the Information so that others can Sip the tea of Knowledge”.

Contact information: or 718-528-1356.

Men’s Guild: Dr. H. Wayne Campbell, President

The Men’s Guild is comprised of a small group of adult male parishioners. “Together we seek, through Christian brotherhood and fellowship to foster and strengthen the close family nature of our parish.” We meet together on the fourth Tuesday of every month, except July and August, to discuss and plan our upcoming activities. To demonstrate our active participation worshiping God, we wear our St. Peter’s ties on the fourth Sunday of every month, and participate in corporate communion every three months during the year. The Guild sponsors the St. Peter’s Scholarship Awards Fund and Dance, the Mother’s Day Luncheon, and The Annual Fall Dinner Dance, among the duties of a very active ministry at St. Peter’s. Welcome and come and join us!

Pastoral Care Committee: Ms. Barbara McDowall, President

Mission Statement
To communicate and visit with the sick and shut-in and those who are in distress within our parish family.

Chaired by Barbara McDowall, the Pastoral Care ministry is expanding its pastoral services to the young adults including those who are away at college or otherwise.

All parishioners are being prayed for on an ongoing basis by members of this ministry. Prayer is a vital part of our faith.

The committee meets monthly; whereas the general body assemblies bi-annually for a time of debriefing, fellowship, and reflection.

Property Committee: Mrs. Phyllis Harris-Williams, Chairperson

The Property Committee oversees and is responsible for the maintenance of the church, the rectory and any other buildings, as well as the grounds of the parish. In this capacity, the Committee recommends to the vestry any capital improvements which it deems to be necessary and beneficial for the improvement and enhancement of the property.

In 2013, the Committee commenced a feasibility study for the addition of an air condition system to the church and rectory. The Committee then recommended to the Vestry to move forward with this project. A state of the art ductless air condition system was installed and completed at the church, parish hall and rectory, comprising of 13 Mitsubishi air handlers and 9 condensers. This was a hallmark undertaking by the Committee, and in the summer of 2014, our parishioners enjoyed the comfort of air condition for the first time.

Under consideration is an evaluation of the overall building structure to ensure our plant would be in compliance with building codes. In this regard we will also be exploring ways to upgrade our church in order to provide improved access into the church and parish hall. As St. Peter’s Church is more than 100 years old, we expect to incur many challenges as we proceed with this project.

Scholarship Awards Committee: Dr. H. Wayne Campbell, Chairperson

The St. Peter’s Scholarship Awards Committee is charged with the responsibility of recommending to the Vestry the awarding of scholarships in the amount of $1,500.00 to two students each year. To be eligible each recipient must be a graduating High School senior who plans to attend College/University. In addition they should be in good academic standing, and be positive, active members of our parish and their own communities.

The members of the St. Peter’s Scholarship Awards Committee are:

  • Dr. H. Wayne Campbell – Chairperson
  • Dr. Krisann Johnson – Educator
  • Ms. Patricia Rookwood – Educator
  • Ms. Hettie Powell, Esq. – Sunday School Superintendent
  • Mrs. Evelyn Irving
  • Ms. Sharon Locker – Youth Group: Director
  • Mr. Justin Lowe – Young Adults: President

St. Luke’s Guild: Mrs. Hyacinth Lopez, President

The mission is “to educate and bring awareness to the parish and the community on issues affecting our health.” The goal is to promote health and wellness to the congregation and to the community. There is an emergency care team in place on Sundays with the goal of exercising safety and well-being during church activities. There is blood pressure screening every first Sunday and there is also the hosting of educational forums to the parish. The group meets the fourth Friday of each month at 8:00 PM, except for July and August. New members are welcome and the ministry is open to all members of the church community.

St. Peter’s Key: Mrs. Dianne Darbouze, Patti Rookwood, Co-Chairpersons

Mission Statement

St. Peter’s Key parish newsletter is to communicate and promote God’s Word from the life and witness of the parish family of St. Peter’s.

Led by Patti Rookwood, Donalee Thomas and Dianne Darbouze, the ministries of our parish submit articles about worship, celebrations, fundraisers, outreach, health tips, legal advice, and stewardship principles. Our editors, photographers and graphic designers work diligently to present a 16-page, full-color tabloid.
St. Peter’s Key is published quarterly.

Stewardship Committee: Mrs. Henrietta Kerr, Chairperson

The Yvonne Gittens Pantry, Mrs. Monica Carrington, President


“For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took me in”.  Matthew 25:35.  As such, the mission of this pantry is to reach out to the community with “giving hands” to support Christ’s call to improve the health and well-being of the residents in Southeast Queens, who are in need by providing access to food, nutritional education and other related resources.  Food distribution is every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.  All are invited to receive.





Ushers: Mrs. Sandra George, Coordinator

Our Mission Statement is “the inward face of the parish providing hospitality and welcome to all parishioners, visitors, and newcomers. Serving together in a manner that is pleasing to God.”

Vestry: Mrs. Phyllis Harris-Williams & Mrs. Yvonne Robinson, Wardens

The Vestry consists of nine Vestry persons, two Wardens, and the Rector. They act as the agents and legal representatives of the Parish in all matters concerning its corporate property and the relations of the Parish to its Rector and Bishop, which are not inconsistent with the laws of the State of New York, Canons of the of The Episcopal Church USA, Canons of the Diocese of Long Island, Certificate of Incorporation and the bylaws.

Members of the vestry, wardens and officers shall discharge the duties of the respective positions in good faith and with that degree of diligence, care and skill which ordinarily prudent individuals would exercise under similar circumstances in like positions.

Each year at our Annual Meeting, one-third of the Vestry members are elected to hold office for three years while one Warden is elected for a term of two years. The regular meetings of the Vestry are held on the third Sunday of each month.

Some of the Vestry’s responsibilities are to define and communicate the mission of the congregation, to oversee the church?s ministries, and to manage the church’s resources effectively.

Young Adults for Christ (YAFC): Mr. Justin Lowe, President

Our Mission Statement is “to be a lighthouse of faith and of God’s love in the community providing opportunity for outreach, service, charity and Christian socialization.” In the celebration of the events in the lives of others and sharing in the joys and sorrows as we walk together in faith realizing that all things come from God spiritually through worship and prayer.

We meet the 2nd Sunday in the month after 10 am Mass. Other activities are walk-a-thons including breast cancer awareness, Senior Appreciation Day; Technology training for parishioners; Black History Presentations; Summer Festival and Adopt-A-Family clothing and gift donations.

Youth Group: Ms. Sharon Locker, Director

Our Mission Statement is “to provide spiritual and social development, along with charitable outreach. To participate fully in the life and work of the church, while spreading the good news of God’s love to others.”

The St. Peter’s Youth Group is open to young people 12-18 years old. Meetings are held the first and third Saturday each month. The youth group participate in many activities and events including service projects, outings, Parish picnic, presentations and shows, apple picking, spiritual discussions, and the opportunity to fellowship and make new friends.

The group aims to awaken our youth spiritually and encourage them to participate more fully in the life of the church.

All youth are encouraged to come join the fun and activities.